Thursday, June 25, 2009

Welcome to the (for now) official site for The Battle Sigh!

Hi There,

My name is sort of Steven Foxbury and I sing and write songs for a band called The Battle Sigh. We formed nearly a year ago for the sole purpose of playing a benefit concert for a friend of mine with a sick kid who needed a little help. At the time, I was certain that I would never want to be in a band again and did what I could in putting this night together to help me keep this little promise I made to myself.

See, I live in Pittsburgh and the show was to take place in Orlando, so I solicited the help of my former band mate and longtime friend, Eric Steinberg. The plan was for me to fly down on a Wednesday, rehearse for a couple days with a band of players that Eric had assembled so that we could perform some songs that I had recently recorded with Paul Doucette, Mike Maurice and a few contributing friends - and then I would fly home and get back to my life as an urban hermit.

Serving as more proof that in life, planning is for suckers; I now find myself placed squarely in a band. I don't want to get too ooey-gooey here, but I love being part of this band. Greg Perkins, David Tinsley, Rick McGonegle, Eric Stenberg and his wife, Mindy Steinberg all contribute something unique and beautiful and I become giddy as a girl with a pony every time I get to make music with them. This, simply put, is what I have worked most of my life for.

So our plans right now involve getting together as often as we possibly can and playing as many shows as we can squeeze in. Hopefully, with the help of this site and a few of you folks out there, we can raise the money necessary for us to record a full-length album. There will be more of those petty but necessary details to follow here and I hope that you'll check back.

In the mean time, I hope those of you living in Orlando will mark your calendars for Friday, July 17, 2009. We will be performing that evening at The Social along with the bands Rabbit and Northvia. It should be a great night of music and it would mean the world to me to have you come check out what our band can do.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I'm working on adding a few widgets that will allow you to download songs for free and join a mailing list and all the other shit that most modern bands are already set up to do. UPDATE: I think that I have done some of this - check out the side bar of this posting.

Hugs and whatnot,


p.s. - I have a LOUSY track record of maintaining blogs.
(see: That said, I will do my very best to stay on top of this. Pinky swear.
p.p.s - The song that I have made available for download was recorded with Mike Maurice and myself. The Battle Sigh does play this song, but this is not an actual Battle Sigh recording due in part to the fact that there are no actual Battle Sigh recordings.